Sunday, February 10, 2008

Puppies are 2 weeks old

My beautiful puppies are 2 weeks old today. Their eyes opened up this week, and we are still trying to figure out if they can see or not...hopefully yes...they all seem to be reacting well. Their ears also opened up. Next step: walking. I'll be posting video of that. I thought I would start out with a picture of the worst invention ever that makes me want to hurt Sophia every night...jk!

The bain of my existence!
Sophia in the playpen that we got from a friend. It was slightly used and she didn't want it anymore so we upgraded from a small cramped kennel to a nice, roomy playpen. We secured down some netting so that Sophia can't get out of it by herself and therefore poop wherever she wants! Great thinking isn't it?! Now on to the puppies...

This is Johnny.

This is Jackson

This is Gordon

This is Amber

This is my Deliverance puppy. She is extremely fuzzy...she reminds me of the hairiest twins on earth in the Guiness Book of World Records. She's also FAT! Definitely a favorite!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute! I love when puppies first open their eyes. They are adorable!