Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank the Lord

It's at times like these when I can really use a friend. Thank goodness for my very good friend Jade. Tonight I was feeling really lonely because I have been sick all week and staying in bed for long periods of time. I was dying for some human interaction. Jade called me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to help set up chairs at the institute. When we finally got there we were so late that all of the chairs were set up already but we still got to eat the pizza that was there.

Side note:
I used to love pizza. I can't even eat a whole piece now. That stuff is just disgusting!

Jade always knows how to make me feel better. She is SO uplifting and full of the spirit at all times. Plus she is way fun! She is good at making people feel welcome and I really appreciate that.

Two other people that are very influential in my well being are my cousins Mike and Matt. If I ever need to laugh or just be around somebody who is completely nonjudgemental these are the two that I call. I love them SO much. They also know just the right things to say.

My family is also very helpful. As my friend says, "we put the funk in dysfunctional". haha
I really appreciate that my parents let me live at home rent free even though I am 22 years old. I don't know of many parents that let their children do that. Thanks mom and dad.

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